Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Nighttime Poetry

My niece loved this little 4x4 that I made one time thinking of my grandpa.  They were up for the weekend and we had an afternoon to spend with each other, so we decided to make some artwork together!
 We got our fingers dirty adding layers of paint, then I showed her some collage techniques, revealed word poetry, splatter and dry brush techniques, and we finished up by adding gold accents with gold leaf and some Lumiere paint.

 My revealed word poetry consists of a page from an old paperback that I painted with some dark blue paint to reveal the words,


Today I did another version on stream that I like almost as much.  It is much smaller painting, done on 5x7" canvas board.  I LOVE the collage that peeks out from beneath the shimmering of the Lumiere!  The gold leaf requires patience to make it adhere just so, but it is so worth it!  This piece also has a lovely layer of bubble-wrapped dots.

The revealed poetry reads,


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